Sunday, September 11, 2005

Lessons in Color

Finally got the new shipment of wool roving on Saturday. Spent a good part of saturday dying it. This is what I call forest dream. It's Cushings Perfection dye, Spice Brown, Copehagen Blue, Sky Blue, Myrtle Green, and Mint Green. Each package was supposed to dye 1lb of fleece and I used all 5 packages for 1 lb. (Note to self. STOP USING SO MUCH DYE) It's hard because I don't really know how much I should be using and I am afriad that I will not have enough on each group of fiber. I also dyed another lb using Rit dye. I havn't read to much about people using that for wool. Works though. I did one with Fuschia, Sea Foam Green, and Evening Blue. Colors are awesome. I will post the roving later as it is still drying. I actually ran it through the spin cycle of my washer and it took almost all the water out and has cut my drying time hugely. CHanged the texture of the fleece but since I am a beginner it made it easier to spin because it's not so slippery.

Went to church this morning and a woman from our congregation told me that she heard through the grape vine that I was spinning and she wants to get together and has since invited me to the guild she belongs to. FINALLY someone really close who I can work with. I think it will be great for me as I am learning so much through trail and error. I havn't knit much since I started spinning but made a cute Green Bay packer sweater for our office bear. The secretaries at my school are die hard Packer fans. Having trouble with pictures right now but will post one soon.


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